Jay is the Gay Man's Varmus
Austin's pretty fabulous, too, but more in the Southern Gothic "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," "won't go out without all my makeup," kind of way. A little too frou-frou for my taste.
Nora's cool but looks just like a friend who started out as an enemy in college, Jesse. She tried so hard to be gay, but of course, now she's pregnant and got married like a month ago. First one to go all out - she even has two stepchildren.
Heidi Klum. Well. Heidi Klum is pretty shrewd and she's gonna marry Seal and she always looks hot in the clothes. So, even though she totally stole Tyra's idea for a show, I forgive her because well, seriously, she and Seal are together and in the words of my friend, Doug, who I can't believe actually paraphrases Paris, "That's hot."
The Early Bird Special - a rather tame account of a hard lesson learned
Home by 1am. lame. without my phone and without flirty boy - ha. God- it was so early. I have no idea what bar I was at in Tribeca and I lost my phone. Silent prayer that I can get back the phone because I have no access to anybody without it. I deserve to get it back though because I once found a phone in the back of a cab the very day that my cell phone quit working (got it wet for the last time) andI actually returned it. I should have some karma coming to me...So yeah, Doug, if you're reading this, check your email - where were we? And explain to flirty boy that I was just not myself - it was the wine and the hookah... And Adam, this explains why you had a few voicemails from me - I couldn't remember where your party was...
Lesson learned - stay away from those early bird specials.
UPDATE: Phone's been found. Karma rocks. And flirty boy called.
Is it just me or is J. Ho looking more and more like a Jersey mom desperately trying to stay trendy while showing off all the goodies she can afford? It doesn't work, though, when you pair the big fur jacket with the huge gold designer bag and the equally distracting fur boots. It's tacky and actually ends up looking cheap. No style. As I said a few days before, though, I love it when La Lopez looks like shit, so again, keep the stylist, girlie.
Oh my god, I have to see this show
TRED BARTA believes many things. He believes that hunting dogs should earn their place by the campfire, and that hunters should earn their trophies the hard way. For Mr. Barta personally, this means hunting pheasant with a bow and arrow, a method only slightly more reliable than trying to catch one with a pair of salad tongs.
In a regular column he writes for Sport Fishing magazine, he commonly describes mishaps even worse that happen when the television cameras are away, like the time he accidentally ran over a raccoon near his home in Southampton, N.Y., and, hoping to take its pelt, got out and grabbed it only to discover that it was still alive. Before he was able to put it out of its misery, it tore into his hand. "Now bleeding all over my truck," he recounted, "I spilled coffee in my lap."
Beyonce and Kelly Break-up?
SEXY singer Beyoncé Knowles has given a big hint that the end might be near for Destiny's Child. The gorgeous star has forged a successful solo career - and she says the group's latest album, Destiny Fulfilled, may be their last. The 23-year-old beauty told Sky News: "Maybe in five years we'll do another record, maybe not.
"We could do a reunion but we can't be 40 doing Bootylicious."
Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams reformed Destiny’s Child last year after two years apart.
This is just really so harsh...
** Note: can't vouch that this photo is from the actual Duke party...was part of the forward, though and makes a good illustration.
My friend, Adam, forwarded this to me. Just a few days ago, I was all reminiscing on the college days and the oh-so-cool Pimps and Ho's parties we had. God, that is like so uncool old school...look what the kids down there are doing these days...my favorite phrase "pool of lubricants." It just makes me giggle -
On a more mature note - will those families who live around East Campus never learn?! We Dukies aren't going away...Take that Harvard and Penn -I dare you to have a wilder party than this one. Double-dog.
DURHAM, N.C. - In what police say was an homage to the movie "Old
School," partying Duke University students were found in a fraternity
house basement with an inflatable pool, a whole lot of baby oil and
women in bikinis.
Police came upon the scene early Sunday after responding to a noise
"Inside were several of America's future, re-enacting a scene from the
movie 'Old School,' where females wrestle in a pool of lubricants,"
police Sgt. D. Gunter said. In their version, the Duke students
apparently opted for baby oil.
Officers said they cleared the house of the 200 revelers, sending some
of the women home in the subfreezing temperatures in nothing more than
the bikinis they wore.
Nicholas Hunter Roberts, who lives at the address, was charged with
violating the city's noise ordinance, a misdemeanor that carries a $150
There has been ongoing tension between students and residents of the
neighborhoods that adjoin Duke's East Campus. Other weekend parties in
the area resulted in noise ordinance charges and a marijuana possession
Everyone's Favorite Little Sis is Back
Okay, I don't really get the whole Brooke Burns thing. Yes, she's hot, but have you seen her show?! It sucks. Not in a great, campy, Mischa Barton/O.C.-kind of suck, but in a genuine, this-show-is-crap, change-the-channel kind of suck. I was mildly amused by her flirtation with Bruce Willis, but c'mon, how long can she milk that? She's really pushing this new look, isn't she? Who is her publicist? Seriously, they're really good...
As for the rest, ummm...go Kate Winslet - cuz she's the only one who's been in a movie I've actually seen. And loved. Annette Bening, though? This is mean of me, but no buzz. I guess I'll have to check out the film, though. I mean, I'm not really one of those Americans who is solely influenced by the 'buzz' factor.
Drinking with the Enemy...
The Oscars
I did like this excerpt, though...Foxx's teeth have always been what stop me - he would be cute...except for those crazy teeth:
FOXX: And you can tell... it's little things, like Chris Rock and his new set of teeth. Now, people have always told me my teeth are too big—
WINSLET: Don't you dare touch your teeth.
FOXX: But if I change them, I may lose that goofiness.
DICAPRIO: You can't get too comfortable, man. You can never lose that hunger.
FOXX: And you gotta listen to the girls in airport security, because they will lay it out for you: "Jamie, OK, I liked you in 'Ray,' but what was goin' on with 'Bait'?" [Laughter]
The Good Old Days
Is this old news?
Okay, yet again, Simon Cowell finds it necessary to attack... He tells Esquire magazine: "I find the whole Beyonce thing really mystifying. She's not sexy, she hasn't got a great body and she's not a great singer."
No, B's not the greatest singer, but c'mon Simon, how many gals do you know who can convincingly pull off spandex? She's working it in this picture. Yeah, it's still spandex which to me is a fashion gross, but you can't say she doesn't look pretty good here. Her body is actually part of the reason why I like her. It's normal and she celebrates it. Leave her alone, Simon. She's far too famous to pay attention to anything you say. Plus, she still looks better in tight clothes than you.
So yeah, I like Beyonce - I really do. But not in movies. Concerts, videos, stuff where she's singing - I'm happy - but she kind of bores me on film...so, I don't know what to think about this - we'll see, at least she'll be able to sing:
GORGEOUS singer Beyonce Knowles is set to star in a new movie version of Broadway musical Dreamgirls.
The 23-year-old is being tipped to play frontwoman Effie, the role made famous on Broadway by actress Jennifer Holliday.
*** Trend Alert in the Heartland ***
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
Finally...a name
x17 agency
In a reverse move, Kevin takes a style step backwards with the new cornrows. One would think that suddenly gaining access to millions of dollars might lead to a positive style change, a "Pretty Woman" type shopping spree on Rodeo Drive, if you will. Sadly, Kev takes a step back, providing yet another example of why white people can't wear cornrows. With the exception of Bo Derek, mais oui.
A Coincidence???
- What Hollywood hunk is the star of pictures bouncing around the Internet, taken at a football game two weeks ago, of him stoned out of his noodle?
Hmmm...where have I seen that before? Where have I seen that? Oh yeah...just a few posts (& a few days) ago -
Harry's Lesson
Is anyone with me that we've had enough with the Harry headlines? Drudge, you can seriously stop with the bells and whistles . A 20-year-old wore an inappropriate costume. Do you know how many Pimps & Ho's frat parties I went to in college? It goes with the age although damn, I was a good-looking ho. It's not like he actually led us into a war under false pretenses or rewarded those who validated the false intelligence that led us into that war. But it's a celebrity culture. I know I spend half my time writing about Brad, Beyonce, and Brit-Brit, but this is a blog, not the BBC.
While everyone's been talking about Lohan partying it up at The Boot or strolling through LAX in her jammies, this gem of Brit-Brit being blessed by a street 'healer' was bypassed. I still love ya Brit, so ya'll, here's a photo of our favorite little Lousiana lady continuing in her quest to find her true religion and ultimate peace - Kabbalah is so 2003/2004, after all.
Gotti Hotti
Your Sleazy MJ Update for the Day
The Bachelorette
Ben Sands, Ben Sands...I can't believe you're looking for love with Jen Schefft.
There's magazines to sell, people...Beyonce & Jay - new Brad & Jen?
Now that I've passed the denial stage in the Brad/Jen breakup, I've moved on to acceptance and have started thinking ahead....whose face do I most want staring out at me for the next couple of years (or couple of months, at least)? I nominate Jay-Z and Beyonce. They've got the star power, they're gorgeous, they're both at the top of their game, and they're both usually awesome dressers (minus B's Grammy dress and the Lion outfit above). They've even got the same initials as Brad and Jen (it's written in the stars, don't ya think?)
The problem is that I don't see my mother buying a "People" because she wants to read about Jigga - she would, however, read something about Jude Law. Jude and Sienna Miller are right on their heels, but even though they're gorgeous, I don't think they have the appropriate hype. They're white, though, which of course helps any cause. I don't really care about Ben Affleck and Jen Garner as I think that split pea soup is more interesting than she is. The same goes for anyone Matt Damon is involved with. Send in any other suggestions. I withdraw J. Ho & her Chihuhua hubby and Nick & Jessica from the running due to oversaturation anyway. Brad and Jen have big shoes to fill, so think creatively, people...we need to start handicapping this stuff and lord knows, I'm already suffering withdrawal from the dearth of Baby-watch stories...that said, though, Brit-Brit & Federfine might finally come through for us. They've been teasing us long enough.
Just jump on the bandwagon
Evolution of a Dress
If they couldn't make it last, who can?
Now, I'm more of a Don Cheadle gal myself, but I wouldn't throw Brad Pitt out of bed. I never thought I'd actually get that chance, though,because he and Jen were happily married - and they were so cute together, I actually really wanted them to last. That said, I'm not blind. So - see....I told all of my friends that he was flirty when we did an interview with him last month ( he really didn't have to say 'thank you' in 4 different ways, did he?)......Vindication is sweet. He wanted me. Brad and Jen are breaking up.
Transcript of Brad, George Clooney, and Don Cheadle & me:
Brad and I exchange smiles, Brad looking directly into my eyes (and getting lustful, obvs)- Brad: "Oh grazie, pleasure, dandy, thanks."
I walk out. Clooney & Pitt exchange glances at me as I walk out of room & then at each other.
Clooney: Oh, that's how you do it.
Cheadle: That's how he gets it done, baby.
Clooney: He is good.
Cheadle: He's so good.
I mean, it's obvious they were all screaming, let's have an orgy in the back room now.
Mini-Me Can't Find La Toilette
It's Always Fun to hear what bacon the boss is bringing home
WH Commentator Paid to Promote Law
Get Crunk Mood
I don't get it. I just don't get it. Serena still hearts Brett. And Brett, in turn, hearts Serena. Ewww to both of them. Part of me wants to take that back because I know that Brett could send Serena after me and she'd kick my boot-ay while simultaneously readjusting that lovely pink sarong of hers. And he'd still be standing on the sidelines, leisurely talking on the phone. She really doubles as his bodyguard, doesn't she?
I Heart Lindsayism
More on the Jennifer/La Lopez/J. Ho
Lopez repeats the chorus (with that shrill Usher horn riff playing behind her) for a full two minutes before she hits the "song" part. And that's where the problem lies.
Unadorned by her usual phalanx of backup singers, Lopez then starts shrieking, or talk-singing, for the remaining one-minute, 45-second melody. It's a frightening moment in pop-music history, but a delicious one to imagine being recreated on TV shows when the inevitable publicity deluge begins for Lopez's new album, due in March.
Tucker's Out
CNN said goodbye to pundit Tucker Carlson onWednesday, and with him likely the "Crossfire" program that has been the granddaddy of high-volume political debate shows on cabletelevision. Carlson has reportedly been talking with MSNBC about a prime-time openingreplacing Deborah Norville. Carlson did not immediately return a call to his cell phone forcomment.
Amanda Tree, Amanda Tree...
Want a Viper? Want Some Money?
Ah...the Jennifers
1) 'Get Right' starts out with Fabolous saying something like "Ok, it's time for J. Lo." Umm...'scuse me? Didn't Jeannette Walls tell me just today that J. Ho wants to ditch that moniker? She quotes La Lopez: "I'm not J.Lo. She's not a real person. She was just a bit of fun that got really crazy. I've never been anyone but Jennifer." What's up with that? You brought it on yourself, loco. What do you think happens when you name your CD, J.Lo, and your clothing line J. Lo? Make up your mind, Lopez. Don't use it everywhere, including your current single, and then complain about it...but no worries, you'll always be J. Ho to me, my dear.
2) C'mon producers: J. Ho's voice is computer-generated, so why does is still sound like painful screeching? Her voice grates when she's talking - when it's set to music, I think we can all agree that it remains a pretty hideous sound....
And then as far as Bennifer 2 - I just don't get Jennifer Garner. Yeah, she's got a hot body but other than that, ya'll, don't you think she's a little boring? I mean, she named her dog 'Martha Stewart' in a non-ironic way - she genuinely loves Martha Stewart. Why do we need to know that she is sick? Who cares?
And the beat goes on....
Sandra the Great
But props to her for donating $1 million of her personal money to tsunami relief. That's an even bigger deal when you consider that she hasn't had a hit movie in almost 5 years.