So, first up...Adam writes in to let me know that Real World Austiners, Danny and Melinda were spotted in Salem, NH, of all places, buying bedding and house stuff because apparently, they're MOVING IN TOGETHER. In Salem? Can anyone think why they'd go there?

All of my picture fonts are a little out-of-whack, hence the center of the page shots for all of these...but below Britney goes shopping for some fresh summer flowers, still trying to be a MILF all the way, showing off the leg, the bump, and the sexy summer boots.
Side note: I know it's trendy, but jesus, it's like the Uggs in summer - I know from experience that your feet get all sweaty and gross in the cowboy's 95 degrees...switch to flip-flops, Brit.

Hugh Grant proves what an Englishman he is - hitting the beach, but covering up from head to toe to maintain the yummy pasty-white skin.
Kate Hudson, I love you. But I don't understand why you went from such a hot red-carpet premiere dress to the 1980's fug disaster at The Skeleton Key afterparty. I know that 80's is all retro-cool right now, but this number should've been left in the closet.
A friend notes: Is Jessica Simpson smelling her hand to see if there's any Knoxville on there....But no,, she's just blowing kisses to the fans outside Letterman.
Separately, did ya'll catch her on Letterman last night? Sometimes I like Jessica - other times, she's just way too much of a drag queen child star, performing her routine. She's got no soul - it was seriously so painful trying to watch her dance sexy - she was jerking all over the place, like some 15 year old girl trying to show that she's got boobs. I kept wanting them to bring up one of her backup dancers to show her how to really make the audience want you.

Lee Iacocca and Snoop appear in Chrysler Group ads:
The 80-year-old Iacocca and Snoop Dogg, who made his name rapping about sex and marijuana, appear as golf buddies in the ad, scheduled to begin airing Saturday. Snoop Dogg wears an argyle sweater vest, while Iacocca dons a pastel plaid hat.

At the end of the TV spot, Snoop Dogg says: "If the ride is more fly, then you must buy." Iacocca responds: "That's what I hear."

And finally, I'm really enjoying Junk Feud this week. From the Hohan nose pix to the study of the undies, it's good stuff...


Blogger *s* said...

Thanks for the laughs, I needed them this morning! Love your blog.

11:14 AM  
Blogger U.N. Known said...

It seems that when normal people turn into celebrities they lose their sanity and their sense of fashion (if they ever had such a thing). I don't get the appeal.

Great blog!

2:23 PM  

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