Kentucky: No Longer THAT Friendly...

Mr. Smiley is driving into the sunset. Those of ya'll who have driven through Kentucky or passed one of our SUV's on one of the nation's highways over the last few years encountered what is undoubtedly one of the lamest license plates ever designed.

Beginning Aug. 1, cars getting their first license plates will receive tags with the “Unbridled Spirit” logo instead of the sunshine plates and the slogan “It’s that friendly.” Thank God. That license plate was so ridiculous it was enough to make a person want to walk everywhere. 16 year olds were actually asking to get registered in Tennessee, of all places, rather than drive around with a gay smiley-faced sun on their car's rear.


Blogger P said...

Ketty - Are you seriously coming to Cali? You will always have a place to stay!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Dodge said...

good shiz. When they first got them, my brother painted the inside of Mr. Smiley with yellow paint, so it would just look like a sun and Mama Dodge, who teaches at UL, put a Cardinal sticker right over the top of the sun/smiley. It really was met with a lot of animosity! Nobody's gonna tell my family they have to be happy all the time! So funny.

10:20 AM  

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