I apologize - I've been working on a piece about anorexics, so I'm noticing this stuff...but honesly, how good does Kate Hudson's booty look - oooh la la...

(don't people say we start to look like our animals?)
from this just over a year ago-

These adorable pictures of Johnny Depp's ladylove, Vanessa Paradis, and their little ones were out a few days ago...but are all the more pertinent because now he's saying that he wants Vanessa to propose. (doesn't Lily Rose look just like Johnny?)

Laguna Beach: Can we talk about why I wasted an hour and a half of my life tonight caring about if Stephen likes LC or slutty Kristin more and why I'm obsessed with the fact that I can't remember the name of the song that Stephen played in his car with LC. (separate note: Go LC....lovin' the nice little segueway from Kristin singin 'Breakaway' to LC and Stephen making out in the hot-tub) I'm biased against Kristin. She reminds me of a certain Annie Freehander/Frielander of my high school days. We're way beyond all that now and the "Stephen" character is totally married with a stepchild of his own, but to me, Freehander will always be Freehander in the same way that Seinfeld's Newman will always be Newman. Uh uh. Although not to be a drama-mamma, it looks like scandalous Kristin's smooching Stephen in this pic from Lo's website. Again, I say, kick ass, LC!

Yeah, we were so cool that we even had a song for the Jr. girls. "Every other city we go, on every other guy we know....no matter where we GO, it's ALWAYS Junior Ho."

Yeah. Supercool, I know. 2Pac couldn't have said it better....Oh goodness, K-Fed...Number one, you're not going Japanesa. Number two...maybe you're the only person in the free world who doesn't know that Brit Brit is pregnant (she's not just getting fat). Lay off the cigs man, even if they're unlit.

Okay, and finally, Ketty's so psyched to go see Portion Control and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah on Wednesday night. yay, yay, yay....
Look, I might be fine with it in a few days, but for now, I still feel really bad for Jennifer Aniston that Brad has this whole new family holed up at his place for days while she's all alone in Chicago.

Lourdes and Rocco go to the dentist while

LiLo and Pam pose for publicity pix -


Blogger KV said...

I discovered your blog today and I gotta tell you...it rocks! Keep up the good work, I'll keep checking back...

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry i missed you on saturday night--it was a great time had by all (with the exception of the hangover that lasted well into the afternoon on sunday...)
i saw your post about Clap Your Hands--I saw them with Tracy last week in b-lyn. they were really, really great. although the show started at midnight, which is way past my bedtime for a school night.
hope all's well! I'm moving on monday, sadly, but i'll be back in new york soon enough...

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i lov how they got a pic of kates dog mid shit.

9:32 PM  

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