72 Hours with the Anthonys

Ah. Puerto Rico's favorite little greaseball couple. Between the two of them, they had enough mousse & hair spray on to burn down all of Miami, should someone have lit a cigarette near them. Thursday night brought the J. Lo of old at the Latin Billboard Awards - with the skin tight dress, the perfectly quaffed hair, the coordinating Chihuahua-looking hubby.

One can only surmise, though, that Marc wasn't down with the Jenny from the Block revealing look that his wife sported. The next day, heading through the airport, J. Ho was covered up head to toe and appeared to be crying.

Next up, came the "Monster-in-Law" premiere - and it pains KettyKet, it really does, to see that Jane Fonda agreed to share a screen with Hopez in her comeback film. Jane famously of Barbarella, On Golden Pond - reduced to a movie with a woman who's most famous movie recently had her saying the lines, "Gobble, gobble." oh, it hurts - yes, it hurts.
-Note that for the big premiere, Miss Anthony was all covered up this time, from head to toe.

But no fur, showing that perhaps the PETA protesters were making their voices heard. Lopez, however, when asked what she thought of the protesters, said, "I don't."

Finally, walking down the streets of NYC today, we see J. Ho sporting a look that any casual reader of the Glamour Fashion Don't's knows better than to wear. I know that Marc Anthony is advocating the less-skin is more look for J. Ho, but this is ridiculous. The homeless chic layered look really only works on waifs like Mary Kate - and even then it's a stretch. But curvy gals like Hopez know that bulk on the booty only serves to enlarge. And we all know she doesn't need the help.


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