*My little breakdown, so stop here to avoid my personal drama

Alright, I've been flirting with the idea of quitting my job for awhile, but today made it serious. Sure, there are occasional good moments at work, but overall, I'm over-worked, under-paid, and too stressed out to fully be creatively confident. Everyone's scared of upper-management, not proud of end results, and entirely too political. What's that you say? It's like that everywhere? No, I disagree - I've spoken to people in my field who work for different companies and they have an entirely different experience. I feel as though my workplace takes pride in eating its young and crushing our souls.

I don't know what to do - all I know is that I'm decidedly unhappy in my current situation. I don't want to spend the next 10 years like this, only to look back on a few so-so projects made at the expense of my youth. (Plus, as one of my gay friends says, as a girl, I really only have about 5 more years until I start to really decline physically & lose any chance of finding a husband. Gotta love the sincerity of the male gay pals who of course, will remain fabulous right up until they die at the age of 97). Yes, sure, he's exaggerating, but ok, part of me is still a Southern girl with cousins who were all married by the age of 24, and is like, holy shit, only everyone else's rejects will be left by the time I"m 31.

I'm right on schedule for my my quarter-life crisis. I'm mulling the idea of LA because I'm attracted to entertainment media (duh), but I'd have to get a car and it would be expensive and I know I'd have to start again with an entry-level salary. And I really should start studying for the LSAT and possibly moving back to Kentucky to apply to law schools.

No, I don't really belong in KY these days any more than I belong in Mongolia, but there's at least a certain safety there, and I have my family. I just feel that as I'm getting older, I'm losing sight of any dreams that I once had and am just trying to get through the day, one day at a time. I know it's a reality for many as they face the world - I'm in my mid-twenties - I shouldn't feel like this. It sucks. My little fantasy world is crashing in and I don't know what to grab hold of so I don't fall. I'd like to write, I'd like to be fabulous, I'd like to be in love (yeah, well, I would), I could even deal with being a publicist. But I can't do what I'm doing anymore. The payoff isn't there for me. Somehow, I need to take another big risk in my life and see where all my cards land. If anyone has suggestions, contacts, advice, please tell me. I sincerely need to focus on this - I don't want to waste any more time.


Blogger kettyket said...

Sadly - I have the book...I know I'm not alone, but that doesn't comfort me. I need direction.

2:25 AM  

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