Looking for...my childhood

So - my mother's here this weekend, staying with me, hence my being home tonight..Things were actually going alright, we'd had a couple of glasses of wine at dinner, talking about things in general, when for some unknown reason, she decided to spring upon me that she'd been cleaning my room at home...and came upon the box that I keep full of old high school notes, photos, books, and videotapes. Well, seems mom came upon an innocent tape of my old track meets, friends at the pool, in the hallway at school, being stupid, etc...that also happened to have footage from a high school party that I went to - of my friends, my boyfriend (who she hated, conveniently enough), and me drinking and smoking pot - it was high school, of course - everyone did that.

This is something I'd look at now and totally make fun of myself....if I could. Mom took it upon herself to trash the tape - all my high school memories because she "thought I should be embarrassed for myself because it was disgraceful." I'm devastated. Truly, utterly devastated. This woman decided to throw out all my memories, because they disgusted her. The tape was my proprety and had my memories, my successes, my failures, all documented - and she just trashed them. I literally broke into tears at the dinner table and I can't even remotely look at her now. Melodramatic, maybe. But I document things for a living now and she went and threw out the very first projects - the most dear to my heart - because they didn't fit her ideal of the daughter she wanted.


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