And the mystery intensifies...

Demi: yes, no, pregnant? Seriously, not as important to me as Lohan's most recent coke-fueled escapades, but People's article about it would benefit by telling us whether or not Demi was drinking alcohol at Marquee. Geez, don't these reporters know that the story's in the details?

From Demi's lips: "The rumors are just that: rumors."

Moore's publicist, Stephen Huvane, issued this statement: "Having another child is something Demi would like to do, but she cannot at this time say she is pregnant."
Earlier in the week, the would-be father, 27-year-old Ashton Kutcher, joked about the reports. At a news conference promoting his new movie, "Guess Who," he said: "Why am I the last person to find out everything? I'm going to be a daddy? God, no one tells me anything."

On a separate note, my favorite couple ever confirms that they'll produce the cutest baby around:
Heidi Klum and Seal are preggers.


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