sigh. wednesday night, george bush will deliver his state of the union address. if you read between the lines, you'll find that the main message is that our state currently sucks. i'm holding fast to that opinion, despite an editorial that i read today by a democrat that basically said, god forbid, what if bush has been right? (I can't find the link - otherwise, i'd put it up)

anyway, it made me think of the boy i saw throughout last year. he loved the sotu address - invited people over, got his pot and just sat and watched in his own merry way. he just moved to mexico. i wonder if he'll be able to see it tomorrow night? i could email him, but we had a big argument a few days before he left and i'm refusing to initiate contact. yeah. take that. oh well, like i said, it's not like he'd be enlightened by anything bush has to say.


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