Jump the Shark?

Ok, I'm a little nervous for the O.C.'ers -it's only the second season and they're already blatantly trying to buy us off with the whole "Marissa's a lesbian" plot twist? I'm going to be honest, no, I haven't been watching as much of my favorite drinking game show this year, but there can't be that many people out there like me! Do they really need to resort to this plot to increase the ratings? I mean, yes, it could be a true story, but not in The O.C...(did you see L.C. or Kristin engaging in anything like this on Laguna Beach - no, I most def think not) and ewww, not with Mischa Barfin?! Yuck! Isn't it enough that we have to see pix of her coke-loving skinny self making out with her nasty trust fund boyf in real life?
Please, O.C.'ers - Don't try to make her 'hip' by hooking up with a girl. She's too lame for something that individualistic...and it's going to be really painful watching her act out this relationship. Oh well, back to the bottle, I guess - more rules for the game...

I say more Seth and Summer and completely get rid of Miss Barfin. She looks way too much like E.T. for my comfort. Seriously. Mischa gives me flashbacks of E.T. and how I was scared of him when I was little. I used to have to keep my closet light on because I was convinced that E.T. would come out of hiding and stay with me....and Mischa "ET" Barfin brings back all those scary memories...


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