Scissor Sisters

So...there's this band that's been getting a lot of buzz - and they have a fun name to say, especially when you try to say it really quickly three times fast: Scissor Sisters , Scissor Sisters, Scissor Sisters.
Supposedly, they're Elton John's favorite band...and not supposedly, but really, they just got nominated for a Grammy. woohoo.
Anyway, I'm home for Christmas and have realized that my friend, Mark's brother, Scott is in the band. So, congrats Scott (and Mark)! They're a cool family - my main memory of Mark growing up is that he gave away boxers at his bar mitzvah that said, "I danced my pants off at Mark's bar mitzvah." Hilarious, right? No, seriously, I really did think that was funny when I was 12.
Anyway - congrats Scissor Sisters. I'm pretty psyched for the little hometown band. They play at Hammerstein in New York tonight, but won't be back in the city til ????


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