Linds figures: hey, I'm skinny, I definitely don't need my 'fat' clothes, so she does what any good, sober, thoughtful teen queen would do: donates her old wardrobe to homeless women.
Madonna's maaaaad at her kids
Photographer Must Give DNA in Kidman case (related: she's not pregnant)
Another day, another boy for the slutty (?) diva that is Eva Longoria.
Eh, I don't know, still newsworthy? Witness in Kobe Case Speaks Out
To combat the depression over his divorce (& to avoid looking like a complete cad for cheating with Angelina), Brad plunges into volunteer work: Brad Pitt, Bono, Djimon Hounsou on PSA Against Poverty & AIDS
And finally, I'm intrigued by MTV"s "Meet the Barkers." Although, MTV - what was up with that non-public service announcement of Travis getting stoned for dinner and then driving both he and Shanna home? Sure, you drive better stoned, but you're not supposed to really tell the kids that...


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