On my Shitster List

My friend, Joe, and I had a conversation the other day about the need for a shitster list. A place to list all the friends who sent you the lesbian baking apron for your birthday,*

the boys who had the tackiness to hit on your very drunk ass at the bar & try to take you home - because yes, at that state, you'd be up for it, but you must never, ever follow through with it,

the boys in need of a new attitude who call at 4:30am for hooking up and you're willing to give them a chance because you think 'hey, maybe even assholes can change,' and you even occasionally find endearing the overblown ego, but they haven't changed & leave you feeling naive, and

every now and then, even list yourself, if you've behaved like an ass to the nice 24-yr-old who just wants to take you out but you don't because he's just too young and wears an adidas pullover with a button-down collared shirt and needs to decide on his style - either dress downtown or dress upper east side, but to combine them is a fashion don't.

And of course, a great idea like that has already been thought of. So with that, I add to the shitster list:
Michigan State - for preventing my dream Duke-Kentucky match-up game.
And for that matter - put Duke on there, too. For playing like shit last night.

UPDATE: Put Michigan State in a very special spot on the list for killing me not once, but twice. And for doing it in a painfully slow way in today's double overtime game with UK. And I want Rick Pitino on the list, too, for having to rub it in my face that Louisville's in the Final Four.
*Hilarious, Adam.


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