A Night Out with the Beautiful People, the Beautiful People
The CFDA Awards were held tonight and two of the world's most beautiful couples posed for a picture. Seriously, do people get any more exquisite than Iman and David Bowie and Heidi Klum and Seal? Yum.
Also present was Kate Moss, who appeared to be having a good time. My favorite style icon had a new face for the cameraman everytime he made a snap, moving from demure to disheveled in the course of the evening.
(shamelessly, I just wanted more reasons to post Kate photos - l'originale to Sienna's wanna-be)
Others who were there: oldie but goodie Linda Evangalista pulling off the oh-so-sexy androgynous look; Sarah Michelle Gellar channeling a 1920's literary figure (but not necessarily Dorothy Parker) anxious for a smoke break at the Algonquin in a slightly too-mature black dress; Mandy Moore trying hard to punkify her classic dress; and Alexandra and Theodora Richards (the one just keeps looking more like Patti and the other, bizarrely, more like Keith in a girl's body).
Finally, the Go Fug Yourself gals can have fun with this one. Eva Mendes - you're a pretty girl, but this dress is wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin. It's not lingerie, but it certainly ain't fashion, either.
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