"I Got a Nasty Rash, but Mather Lather was Fun"

- Ewww. Duke tried something like this a few years ago - burning benches when we beat Carolina was briefly banned to try out this foam party idea. Yeah, lots of fun. Don't remember hearing if people got rashes, but eww...and the next year we were back to burning benches.

-I'm so mean, but seriously, if there's one over-rated celebrity I can't stand, it's Hopez...I'm just lovin all the bad press heading her way these days. I used to find PETA annoying - a little too over-the-top for my taste, but I have to say, i'm lovin the j.ho drama...

-Speaking of J.Lo, Jennifer Garner got the shaft..."does this mean you don't love me as much as her?" Ben gives her a much smaller engagement ring than the infamous Bennifer pink diamond.

- Jude and Sienna to move to NYC. West Village, I presume.

-Brit on round the clock care?

-Reese drops William Morris.

- Told ya yesterday - Brad officially heading to Ethiopia and South Africa with TV news crews in tow...


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