Morsels (for now)

- "And so I'm back....from outer space," (at least since 1997)...Miss Mariah aka Mimi, has been emancipated. She's got her biggest opening week ever. Round 2,947 in J. Ho versus Mariah goes to MARIAH.
- Despite little Apple, could Gwynnie's hubby be
contemplating suicide?
- Jessica Simpson - I gots to agree:
mind-numbingly average. " She tries to be so sexy but fails miserably because it’s all too thought out. When Britney or Christina wear something (bad or good) they make it their own. Jessica looks like her outfits been chosen by 20 stylists, 10 friends and her mum. "
- Second time I've seen this rumor: Dawson's Creek's Michelle Williams pregnant with Heath Ledger's baby. And Naomi Watts ain't happy 'bout it.
-Definitely old news, but wanted to post it. Paris doesn't deal with competition well. Now that Nicole's looking better and acting better than Paris is, Paris dumps her, so she can still feel like the Queen Bee.


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