Our Collective Subconscious

This ex of mine moved to Mexico about 2 months ago and we, his friends, miss the little fucker. And then to exacerbate the situation, we email him and he never writes us back. So, we've decided that he's gonna be our collective mind. We're gonna inundate him with all these random emails and sort of use him and abuse him as our journal. I mean, if he's not writing back anyway, why not, ya know. It could actually be kind of funny - even just imagining him trying to work his way through all of our drama. Just write our stuff down, send it off, and then Ernest can absorb it all - he'll be our therapy - and he'll be so pissed about it. love it.

There's also talk of making a little film for him of life ernest-less. We'll follow Varmus as he goes up to Harlem and auditions a filler- new best friend (E lived in Harlem) and we can continue to make fun of me for an actual conversation I had about 3 weeks ago. At brunch with a friend (i.e. Mo to tha Mo), we sat down next to this incredibly hot black man - who bore a striking resemblance to Ernest. Hot african-american man with the fro was just hanging out at his table, listening to his ipod and writing (creative, artsy type - so hot). So smooth me is trying to be all loud and 'notice me, notice me,' taking off my jacket to show off my cute tank top and oh-so-hot bod, to the point that I actually (very subtly) said, "Oh, Mo - I need to be in an inter-racial relationship again. I love dating black men." Can we talk about how lame I am, but at least I laugh about it. And hot black man just kept jamming to his ipod, completely oblivious to my efforts. So yeah, that cool little re-enactment could be part of the documentary, too...as well as all the crap I got from Mo and everyone else for my game. er, lack of it.


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