Telenovela - Grammy Style

So - the Grammys marked the first public performance by my favorite Mr. and Mrs. and oh, they didn't disappoint. Marc made sure it was done up just as he would want it - in full, over-the-top Latin soap opera style. Seriously - what was up with their little Broadway production via San Juan? I have no clue what they were rambling about, but tried to put it together through J. Ho and Marc's typical subtle acting performances. All I got was that it was sad and she wore lots of fur and bling and combed her hair in a mirror and then they went out for a night on the town. hmmm. My roomies and I had a fun little drinking game going on for every time J. Ho missed a note and I was easily able to finish my Heineken within the first minute. For their curtain call, I was a little afraid we might have to see chihuahua-man kiss the evil stepmother, but thankfully, they just walked off-stage.

Marc: "Please honey, please hit the note. I'll buy you a new fur-whatever, just hit the damn note this time."


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